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Nerd in Translation

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The Crime Wave At Blandings
P.G. Wodehouse
The Twits
Quentin Blake, Roald Dahl
The Knife of Never Letting Go
Patrick Ness
The Lover's Dictionary
David Levithan
The Tales of Beedle the Bard
J.K. Rowling
The Little Prince

The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making

The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making - Ana Juan, Catherynne M. Valente I've read quite a few children's books in the last few months. Nothing, however, has left a greater impression than this. (Outside of Wonder) This book is just pure delight. Think "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" meets "Chronicles of Narnia" and maybe a little of "The Wizard of Oz". Whimsical, charming and full of fantastically dimensional characters, including our young little heroine, September. I cannot wait to see what sort of adventures meet September in the next book.

Their Eyes Were Watching God

Their Eyes Were Watching God - Zora Neale Hurston The writing is gorgeous.

Tiny Wife

The Tiny Wife - Andrew Kaufman 3.5

The Tooth

The Tooth (Penguin Mini Modern Classics) - Shirley Jackson Shirley Jackson's deliciously morose mind is perfection.

Lost and Found

Lost and Found: Three by Shaun Tan - Shaun Tan, John Marsden This was freakin fantastic. The simplicity of the text coupled with the dark and melancholic illustrations made for a profound read.

Looking for Alaska

Looking for Alaska - John Green 3.5 - don't eat me >___< People told me not to read any more John Green novels if you've read TFIOS because then you'd compare the two and blah, blah, blah. But, I read it and yah, they were right, in a way...I read Looking for Alaska on my ereader and got through it in a fairly slow pace, which says a lot about the experience for me. John Green writes well, there is no doubt about that. His characters are very well developed; Miles, the main character is a slightly awkward and intelligent teenager who befriends individuals that are a little out of his norm. One of those friends is Alaska, a beautiful book loving chic who is almost a bit trashy. She drinks enormously, smokes equally as much and enjoys sex. But this doesn't really say much about her at all. When a major incident occurs, half way through the book, it becomes apparent that you really don't know much about her character. She is a mystery, an enigma, as Miles describes her. This part of the book I appreciated very much. I liked that Green had the ability to tell us all about these characters making you believe you knew them when in actuality you did not. Interesting, huh?The story, however, was long despite its length. It was a little depressing, which I am curious, is that John Green's style? I like the humour that was occasionally thrown in there to ease the dark tones, but it was just so damn depressing! After the major climax happened, I'll be honest, I didn't care to read on. I didn't care to really find out what happened because I really didn't care for Alaska too much. I'm sorry! There were some great moments in this book, especially in the references to "last words" and I like the prank at the end being the almost exact prank John pulled in his youth, but other than that, it just wasn't my cup of tea. And I don't think its because I read TFIOS. I think I would have felt the same way if I didn't read TFIOS but I did, so you might blame it on that. Either way, the book was good, just not great.

Just Being Audrey

Just Being Audrey - Margaret Cardillo, Julia Denos Read this quite quickly and although this really shouldn't count towards my book goal for its shortness, I just couldn't help myself ;)The illustrations in this are absolutely stunning and although the biography in this book isn't too detailed, it still emulates the life of audrey quite well. An excellent little book for young people to learn and appreciate one of the most amazing human beings that ever lived. Not to mention this book is fabulous just to have for any Audrey fan, like me :)

The Boy in the Dress

The Boy in the Dress - David Walliams, Quentin Blake 3.5

Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Penguin Popular Classics)

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - L. Frank Baum 3.5 stars I enjoyed it but didn't love it. Dorothy isn't a very likeable character. I much prefer the characters of the lion, scarecrow and the tin man; they have so much more depth to them and generally are more interesting as well. Loved that their entire pursuit is sort of useless since they already possess the thing they greatly desire. Also, was a bit shocked by the graphic bits and found it funny that in an introduction he wrote, he didn't like to promote violence. Additionally, I found the heavy sense of irony through out the entire book highly entertaining and for that, I'd read it again. Overall an interesting book. Can't wait to read the rest of the series.Edit - didn't realize the series was a bajillion books long :/


Wonder - R.J. Palacio Wonder by R. J Palacio is a book about a boy named August or Auggie as his close friends and family call him. Auggie is ten, and unlike most children, he was born with a very rare genetic disease considered to be somewhat of a medical enigma. So, basically his face is a little messed up, to put it lightly, and as a result his parents kept him home-schooled until now. So Auggie enters middle school for the first having to deal with the awkward glances and wondering eyes, but its okay, he's used to that sort of thing. But soon this start to become a little too much handle and Auggie begins to regret his decision of coming to school.This book, surprisingly enough, is not told entirely from the perspective of August. Palacio decided to incorporate five other perspectives into the mix allowing the reader to really get a glance through some of the other characters eyes. Aside from Auggie, I adored his older sister Via. She is a tough girl who came to the realization that her needs would always be second to her younger brother and even still she looks out for Auggie, getting incredibly protective of him when others maliciously or unintentionally hurt him. She is incredibly strong and for this, I admire her a lot. The entire tone of novel works very well for the subject matter. The writing suits the ten year old narrator as well as some of the more older characters and the flow of the novel was quick and impressionable. There were so many moments in this book where I just wanted to give Auggie a hug, pet his head and say there, there; yes, the world is cruel but I still love you!! Honestly, I just couldn't help it. Auggie is such an endearing character and I adored how much he made fun of himself and made others laugh unexpectedly too. This book, guys, it just oozes out good feelings. Seriously though people, go read this book. If it doesn't kick you in the heart and make you cry then I don't know but that is exactly what it do to me and I am fine with that.


Coraline - Neil Gaiman Ahhh, this was so creepy. I love it!!


Speak - Laurie Halse Anderson This is such a powerful book. I had a close connection with Melinda and the story itself. I was glad that the character got closure but I know, from experience, that it isn't always like that. In fact, for the most part, no one can really save you. Nonetheless, I think it's an important book for teenagers and adults to read.

The Gargoyle. A Novel

The Gargoyle - Andrew Davidson I give it 3.5 stars.. It had a great start but a very slow middle. Then it picked up after I read 90% of the book. It is well written and researched, which I appreciate but at one point I just wanted to giveup on reading it because I kept waiting for something to happen.

Water For Elephants - A Novel

Water for Elephants - Sara Gruen I devoured this book and enjoyed the storyline down to the tee. I have never read anything quite like it, and the story in general was thought out and researched thoroughly. Sara Gruen's novel is quite a simplistic read with an uncomplicated plot line. The story moves back and forth between and aging man in his nineties and his former self some 70 years ago when he worked for the circus in the height of the depression. Truthfully, I really enjoyed the novel and I see why it has been turned into a movie. Visually, Gruen did a fine job depicting the nitty gritty reality of circus life that is often portrayed in a a sort of mystical whimsy, if that makes sense. I think this would be an excellent read for those looking for something light but still intriguing.

Hector and the Search for Happiness

Hector and the Search for Happiness - Francois Lelord So far, a really cute story. :) Makes me appreciate things a lot more and understand the true meaning of happiness.